The Art & Magic of
Ritual & Ceremony

Sacha Jones, Lifecycle Celebrant
I am a Lifecycle Celebrant, a non-denominational minister and a wedding officiant. I perform ceremonies of all kinds in New York City, Upstate New York, and much of the surrounding area. On occasion I have also been called to officiate ceremonies out of state and overseas.
I am so passionate about the art and magic of ritual and ceremony - it's truly an honor to do this work.
I became interested in the concept of "celebrant" style ceremonies in early 2002, when my sister Toni and her fiancé Noah came to New York City from the UK with plans to elope. City Hall seemed somewhat impersonal, and because they were not members of a faith, wanted to stay away from religious institutions. They wanted to create a wedding that encompassed the spirit of them as a couple, to mark the moment with ritual and ceremony in a way that felt personal and playful.
We found someone to do the paperwork, but I felt called to create their ceremony - my very first. It was wonderful and truly embodied the two of them. We even had a parade!
A few years later, when my (now) husband Mike and I were getting married, we came up against the same scenario. Obviously I wasn't able to officiate our wedding but we did design our ceremony, and to this day family and friends tell us it was the best, most intimate and unique wedding they've ever been to. It was inspiring!
All of this led me, in 2009 to the Celebrant Foundation & Institute, where I studied "The Art & History of Ritual & Ceremony", as well as "Weddings & Commitment Ceremonies" ~ and shortly afterwards "Funerals & Memorials".
I became ordained as a non-denominational minister with the Universal Brotherhood and officially registered with the city and state of NY.
Whether it is the celebration of the beginning of life or the end; marriage or divorce; change of life; retirement or graduation from college; or a new home - marking these important milestones with ceremony is a beautiful thing. Ceremony and ritual help us transition from one chapter to another with so much more meaning.
A Lifecycle Celebrant who is trained in this art (and magic) can make this celebration look and feel exactly the way you envision.
And that is what I do.
I created Sacha Jones Ceremonies from the heart. Every single ceremony I create and officiate - be that a wedding, a memorial service, a naming ceremony, or anything in between - is made with love.
It’s such an honor to get to work closely with my clients in order to create something beautiful that reflects their love or life story.
I’m really looking forward to speaking with you and learning how I can best be of assistance in the planning of your milestone moment.